Giorgio Giorgino wrote:
> Hi everyone , i'm new to the world of Tvheadend , i have the following configuration : macbook with kodi in osx + debian running in parallels desktop in which i configured tvheadend with my tuner drivers and anything else , the problem is that even if from the configuration panel of tvheadend anything seams to work fine (i have connected the TV tuner , found the channels and mapped them in the correct way) , when kodi tries to connect to tvheadend i can see some name of channels loading in the little pop-up on the right but then it immediatly crashes , in addition if i put connection off in order to avoid kodi to connect to backend it doesn't crashes but it shows up the message "connection lost" , i hope that you can suggest me a way to fix that. (The pvr add-on i used in kodi is tvheadend htsp client)
Check Asynchronous Transfer mode is off (in the add-on settings) as I believe that this can cause some issues.