I've experienced some problems wie tvheadend 4.1 and kodi 14.
When I choose a channel with 1080p encrypted (Austrian Channels ORF1 HD, ORF2 HD, ...), i recognized laggy video. It seems, as if the order of the "individual" images are not shown in the order they should. I also experience some artifacts (green ones). Audio is good.
To control the quality, i use VLC (with HTSP-Plugin) to show the same channel. There, the video and audio is good. There aren't any artifacts too.
So I think my tuner settings seem to be correct.
Descrambling should also be OK.
I found out, how to see the channels without on kodi. I switch to the Channel. I see the artifacts - the video on the screen is laggy as described above.
BUT when I now cancel the Session of the kodi-client on the tvheadend webinterface (Status/Connections) - after the reconnect of kodi - the video runs smooth again.
Has anybody an idea, which problem causes the bad video on kodi?
What would you say, seems the problem to be an tvheadend issue or is it a kodi problem?
regards, Christian