i am trying to configure an XMLTV source for a UK Virgin / Cable configuration.
i have used the tool / script at this location:
this is installed under the hts user, and if i "sudo su hts" to this user and run it, it doesn't error, but also doesn't seem to output anything...
if this is run from the tvheadend web gui, in the console i get the following lines:
2015-05-14 10:29:22.505 /usr/bin/tv_grab_pl: grab /usr/bin/tv_grab_pl
2015-05-14 10:29:22.522 spawn: Executing "/usr/bin/tv_grab_pl"
2015-05-14 10:29:23.756 /usr/bin/tv_grab_pl: no output detected
2015-05-14 10:29:23.756 /usr/bin/tv_grab_pl: grab returned no data
can someone help please?