I've just taken a wander through the code, and I can't for the life of me see where such a time update would be called. I can see the code to update the time in tvhtime.c, but nowhere can I see the tvhtime_update() function actually being called.
It looks like it used to be in dvbtables.c, but that file is no longer there, so I wonder if the functionality was removed when analogue support was dropped. I might be missing something obvious, though, so don't hold me to that at the moment.
I suggest you switch debug logging on and see if there's anything in the log file and/or enable trace on tvhtime (Configuration -> Debugging) and see what happens. There are some debug functions in that code that should write to the logfiles if they're working, but I strongly suspect that the internal time update modules simply aren't being used any more... in which case, you're into raising a bug/feature request initially or finding some other way to update the time.
As I said, not 100% certain on the diagnosis, but that's what it looks like to my idiot eye.
(Oh, and you don't even have the function enabled in that png, so I'd start by switching it on, just in case :) )