Hi @Ben Fennema,
I'm running HTS Tvheadend 3.9.2679~g995aaf8 but I've not been successful interpreting the steps properly. I think my problem is in step 3 though I can't figure out how to connect the tuners. Here are my current steps attempting to follow along.
This is the command to start tvheadend:
./build.linux/tvheadend --noacl
Step 1:
I'm not using dvd hdhomerun driver. I did install libhdhomerun. Seems to be working:
./hdhomerun_config discover
hdhomerun device 1051228C found at
Step 2:
Configuration->DVB Inputs->Network +Add
Set Type to ATSC Network (I'm in the US)
Entered a network name
Set Pre-defined Muxes to us-ATSC-center-frequencies-8VSB
Clicked +Creaate
Step 3:
Enable tuner 0 and pick the network you created in step #2 and then click save. Do the same for tuner 1
Where are the tuners enabled?
Step 4:
Under Configuration->DVB Inputs->Muxes I know have a bunch of discovered channels that look roughly correct
Step 5:
After the scan is complete, Services should have a bunch of stuff populated. Click Map All.
I see many entries under Configuration-> DVB Inputs->Mux but nothing under Services.
In Services I click Map All
In the dialog box I click Check availability, Merge same name, Create provider then Click Map