Are you sure tv_grap runs when restarting tvheadend ?
You can check using ps -A |grep tv.
You can also check the file storing the date, it is in the home-directory of the tvheadend-user under .xmltv .
Is it up to date and does it contain the date you would expect to turn up in tvheadend?
In my case, tv_grab only took the next three days of data, which was similar to the OTA-EPG, so it seemed tv_grap didn't do anything useful...
Xander Log wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have install webgrab++ in a system that uses tvheadend and I'm not able to make it read the data stored on guide.xml. I feel that I've almost everything made and I'm losing some little detail, so I hope someone can help me.
> At this moment I have the guide.xlm generated and when I run in terminal:
> I get the EPG data that I scanned, so it's working ok. then I go to TVheadend and in the "EPG Grabber" section I've gone to "Internal Grabber" and select "XMLTV: /usr/bin/tv_grab_wg++".
> I have also install "xmtv" running:
sudo apt-get install xmltv
> My problem is that no matter what I configure in the "EPG Grabber" tab, I can't make TVheadend using the EPG data stored with webgrab+
> Many thanks in advance