I'm in Argentina and after I've set up my tune I ended up with a 3 hours shift.
This means: what's is going to happen at 11:00 tveheadend shows it at 8:00.
I don't think that tvheadend is to blame, tho.
ART is -0300, the box clock is at ART, that's OK.
Using tv_grab_dvb I saw (just a snippet)
<programme channel="59170.dvb.guide" start="20140506083000" stop="20140506090000">
And noted that there is no timezone reference, it should be start="20140506083000 -0300", so tvheadend "thinks" that the time is in UTC and converts it to ART.
Any ideas about how to correct this?
Where does tvheadend set the country, if anywhere?