first of all, the internal CI Slot is currently not supported by tvheadend. So you need an external card reader and Oscam for decryption purposes. I do have an Omnikey 3121 USB reader connected to my ReadyNAS which is always on (Omnikey seems to have standby problems, but that doesn't matter on a server). The Omnikey reader costs around 10 EUR on Ebay.
The Reader needs PCSC libraries on your oscam server to work.
Assuming you are using a Debian Derivate:
apt-get install pcscd libccid opensc
opensc-tool -l
Should find your Card Reader. If it doesn't double check that pcscd is running (/etc/init.d/pcscd start).
Now you can download the latest oscam binary for your platform or compile it yourself (with PCSC support, you need to have libpcsclite-dev installed).
Once your oscam Server (webif on ip-address:8888) is runnning you Need three things:
1. a user in oscam for tvheadend Connection (create one, give him Group 1 and activate checkbox AU)
2. create a PCSC Reader. Your first Reader is number 0. Also give him Group 1. Activate the reader. Once you saved your config restart oscam and check the live log to see if the Reader is used by oscam and can read your Smartcard. It should print a CAID in the live log. You Need that for the next step.
3. create a newcamd with user from step 1 and the Reader + CAID you got from step 2. You Need a DES key, be creative and write something down (e.g. 01020304050607080910111213) Enable and save that config, restart oscam.
4. Configure cwc in tvheadend with the Information from the previous steps (ip-address of your oscam, usually, user and Password & DES key). Once you enable that config, you should see the entry become green. Descrambling should work by now.
I'm currently not at home, so I might have missed something in that tutorial. Please try it.