Dear Sirs / Moderators
Before I get to my question/problem, I ask you to consider creating sub-forums for specific OS/Hardware. After over a month of googleing for tvheadend, tvh, raspbmc, et cetera, I am certain that no number of keyword searches will bring me to an understanding of my problems, without what is most probably duplicating effort by posters/moderators at Tvheadend. Thanks.
My stack:
Raspberry PI (Model B)
Tvheadend (internal to RaspBMC, AFAIK)
SiliconDust HDHomeRun Dual (ATSC)
Schedules Direct
I have a recently created/updated xmltv.xml in /home/pi
Reading at:, this forum I see:
pi@raspbmc:~$ ps -ef | grep tvhead
root 1857 1 0 09:14 ? 00:00:00 su - pi -c /usr/bin/tvheadend -C -d
pi 1867 1857 1 09:14 ? 00:00:07 /usr/bin/tvheadend -C -d
pi 2061 2053 0 09:23 pts/0 00:00:00 grep tvhead
does the above mean I have a permissions problem? I cannot tell, as the info for my system does not match the info at the above cited post.
Where are the instructions, Tutorial or How-To for setting up the TVH webgui (webif) to use Schedules Direct or any grabber? (if grabber is the right nomenclature). I have tried to configure (inform) the TVH webgui that I am using Schedules Direct. This is done by:
Configuration then Channel / EPG then EPG Grabber
selected are: Update Channel Name, Update Channel Number,
Internal Grabber Module: XMLTV: North America (Data Direct)
Grab Interval: 12 hours
Over the Air - nothing checked
External Interfaces:
Module -- checked
XMLTV -- checked and path: /home/pi/.hts/tvheadend/epggrab/xmltv.sock
My limited understanding of this "process" suggests to me that even if I get the program data into the webgui, that it still needs to be set up to do this on a schedule; and while I see the webgui has a Grab Interval (set to 12 hours), I also read on the 'net about cron-jobs and adding code, a bit here or there.
Does manually entering channel data still apply at this time?
I can only guess at what all might be wrong here, so, kindly please send me to the correct Tutorial or How-To, and alternatively, show me the mistakes I've made in configuring the system I have. Thank you.