Hi folks,
just a short update... don't bother with this hacky script any more. Recent tvheadend releases support picons packages, known from Enigma set top boxes.
Setup is quite easy:
* Use a recent tvheadend version, e.g. from unstable ppa,
* Grab a picons collection from the web (I found all I needed here
* Then extract the zip file e.g to /home/hts/picons. Ensure that the hts user has read access.
* In tvheadend you configure the picon path above (in tab configuration -> general) as file:///home/hts/picons ... and that's it.
Please note that the channel icons you added manually before take precence. So maybe you want to get rid of them all:
* stop tvheadend
* cp -rp ~hts/.hts/tvheadend/channel/config ~hts/.hts/tvheadend/channel/config.bak
* sed -i 's%"icon": ".*",%"icon": "",%1' ~hts/.hts/tvheadend/channel/config/*
* start tvheadend
That's it. Now you should see picon:// URLs on the channel grid.
Best regards
Hi folks,
created a little script, matchIcons.sh, just to make configuring channel icons easier. Maybe it's helpful to anyone...
It takes a Tvheadend configuration and a directory containing channel icons (png), scans the channels in the config and tries to match them to the icon file names, creates symlinks in the icon directory for non-exact matches, writes file:// URLs to the configuration.
The orignal channel configuration is NOT touched by default. Instead we work on a copy that needs to be moved into place manually before restarting Tvheadend.
Tested only on recent Tvheadend 3.9.x versions (dvb rewrite).
Feedback welcome!
Best regards and have fun!
Edit: some non-ascii characters are now replace by '-' before writing URLs to tvh's config