I have tvheadend instaled, and, using the web interface, I have mapped a number of services to different channels. The one with the best reception is CBS and I can play this through the web interface using the Mozilla VLC plugin.
When I am logged into XBMC, I have the tvheadend add-on installed. It's configured using the master username and password, the hostname is localhost, and the http port is 9981 (I know this is correct because going to http://localhost:9981 in a brower takes me to the tvheadend web interface).
However, when I go to "live TV" in the main menu, my screen goes black and all I can see is the cursor, then xbmc reboots and I'm back to the boot screen logo.
When I added a 'channels' submenu, now I can see the chann'els I've programmed, and my XBMC doesn't crash -- however, now I get these notifications : "tvheadend htsp client - No input detected". I also get notifications that tvheadend is becoming disconnected ad reconnected.
The 'no input detected' notification happens over and over again. Can someone tell me how to get my live TV going? Thanks.