There is a possible issue with XML timezone formats which are not in whole hours.
I have got the XMLTV loading into the TVHeadend epg using the simple tv_grab_url method.
All the shows loaded in the EPG were showing up as 29 minutes late - a show starting at 21:30 was listed as 21:59.
In the XMLTV this was written as:
<programme start="20130723213000 +0930" stop="20130723223000 +0930" channel="ten.free.au">
As an experiment I tested using "+1000" and the EPG showed it correctly (adjusted for Sydney) as 22:00.
Here in Adelaide the timezone is an +09:30 adjustment to UTC time.
I found that if I replaced " +0930" with "+09:30" in the XMLTV then the EPG was correct.
I imagine it is the ":" which is critical rather than deleting the leading space.
I believe both the "+0900" and '+09:30" forms of the timezone are correct XML formats.
It is probably only an issue for parts of the world with strange timezones which are not in whole hours.
I now globally replace the timezone before using tv_grab_url so it is no longer an issue for me.