Hi Forum,
I use TVH on a Synology DS212+ (ARM) and Technotrend DVB-C 3650 plus Alphacrypt CAM. Cable TV is Unitymedia Germany Hessen and I have a UM2 card. I do not use oscam.
I am confused about CI/CAM. I often read, that TVH doesnt support CI/CAM. But...
When I scan for muxes and services without my UM2 Card, there are many services, but no service will be mapped to a channel. Thats ok. But..
If I insert my card, many services will be mapped to channels, but not all. The missing channels depend to a extra package from Unitymedia called "TV Digital Hilights"
As far as I know every Channel from Unitymedia is scrambled/encrypted.
My Qustions now:
If TVH doesnt support CI/CAM, why does my card/cam has an effect?
The missing channels are not from unitymedia, they are from SKY, does it matter?
Where can I find TVH logfiles on my Synology
Thanks for your help