I've searched and haven't seen anyone with this particular problem: the times for all channels in the epg are off by 50 minutes. Shows that way in the TVH web interface and in XBMC interface.
My set up is: xbmcbuntu, TVH 3.2.34, hdhomerun, schedules direct account for Chicago OTA broadcast
I've got everything working, except this error in the epg. I do get an error when I run tv_grab_na_dd [although it finished running and produces a tv_grab_na_dd.conf file] that says there is an error for SetTime: start (there is a longer error message that I don't have at the moment, but could recreate and append here if need be) which then says that its using default start and end times that I suspect must be the problem, but I can't figure it out. I have seen posts that mentioned running tv_grab_na_dd with the "--padd 20" command in addition to "--configure", but that doesn't seem to have done anything for me.
Any advice? Any additional info you need to have an opinion?