I have been working on setting up a HTPC using OpenELEC, using the Tvheadend frontend and server modules the same system. Thanks to Ultraman (vpeter) I successfully worked through an issue with the system not recognizing my HDHomeRun Dual (directly connected to the system using a USB network adapter).
Once Tvheadend could see the HDHomeRun I scanned for muxes/services and mapped the few named channels Tvheadend picked up. I was able to watch those channels one time in OpenELEC, but every time since then whenever I have tried to tune one of them Tvheadend responds with the error message "No hardware present."
Yet, at the exact same time the Tvheadend backend/server has no issue whatsoever seeing both tuners in the HDHomeRun and scanning/re-scanning them for muxes/services.
A Web search turned up "some people who had the same error in XBMC" and their issue appeared to be the kernel assigning different ID's to their tuners when the system was restarted, causing Tvheadend to detect each tuner as a new device.
However, I checked the /var/log/dvbhdhomerun.log files on my system all the way back to the first time the HDHomeRun was recognized, and it appears the kernel was consistently assigning the same ID's to each of the HDHomeRun's dual tuners every time (example below).
# ... output of cat /var/log/dvbhdhomerun.log
# OpenELEC release: Intel.x86_64-2.99.3
Num of devices = 2
Device 10187c53 is type 1 and has 2 tuners
Name of device: 10187C53-0
Tuner disabled according to conf file
Auto detecting tuner type
Type of device: hdhomerun_atsc
Auto detecting tuner type set to "hdhomerun_atsc" based on auto detecting
Tuner: 0
Set initial pass-all filter for tuner: 1
Name of device: 10187C53-1
Tuner disabled according to conf file
Auto detecting tuner type
Type of device: hdhomerun_atsc
Auto detecting tuner type set to "hdhomerun_atsc" based on auto detecting
Tuner: 1
Set initial pass-all filter for tuner: 1
Device 10383ac3 is type 1 and has 2 tuners
Name of device: 10383AC3-0
Tuner type set to "ATSC" based on conf file
Using full name
Tuner: 0
Set initial pass-all filter for tuner: 1
Name of device: 10383AC3-1
Tuner type set to "ATSC" based on conf file
Using full name
Tuner: 1
Set initial pass-all filter for tuner: 1
Registered tuner, id from kernel: 0 name: 10383AC3-0
Registered tuner, id from kernel: 1 name: 10383AC3-1
(The disabled HDHomeRun is a different device, one which is connected to my LAN and used with my Windows systems.)
I also checked Tvheadend's dvbadapters folder, and there were only two tuner files there, one for each of the HDHomeRun's dual tuners. So as far as I can tell, the issue doesn't appear to be one of the kernel assigning different ID's to each tuner upon startup (unless I am mis-interpreting the evidence).
I have updated OpenELEC to 2.99 RC4 (I was running 2.99 RC3), deleted Tvheadend's tuner and service/mux files to reset Tvheadend, and re-added one of the HDHomeRun Dual's tuners, and the issue persists. I'm rather at a loss at this point.
Output of hdhomerun_config:
root ~ # hdhomerun_config discover
hdhomerun device 10187C53 found at
hdhomerun device 10383AC3 found at
The HDHomeRun with device ID 10383AC3 is the one directly connected to the OpenELEC system, and is the HDhomeRun device installed and configured in Tvheadend.
root ~ # find /dev/dvb/
Here is "my first topic on the OpenELEC forum leading up to this issue"
My system specs (currently running OpenELEC 64-bit Intel 2.99 RC4 release):
Gigabyte H61N-USB3 motherboard
Intel Core i3-3225 CPU
8GB Kingston DDR3-1600 HyperX RAM
80GB Intel X25M SSD
1TB 5400RPM Hitachi HDD
Antec ISK 110 VESA case with PSU
HDHomeRun Dual HDHR3-US (device ID 10383AC3)
TRENDnet TU2-ET100 10/100Mbps USB 2.0 network adapter