Hi friends, I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and i want to use TvHeadend with a DVB-S2 pci card, and a ISDB-t with any card, i saw in forum is dificult to make ISDB-t work because team is on Europe and no have this system on this location, searching on the web i saw a home transmitter in ISDB-t (
http://www.shputech.com/news.php?module=product&act=show&classid=18&id=140) and the cost is not too expensive, with this the team is capable to make it work? If Yes, this cost a 220USD by paypal, if the team can be work with that, we can be donate a 10 or 20USD each one to buy this and the team work, what yours think about?
Sorry for my poor english.
Amigos, sou de Sao Paulo, e quero usar o tvheadend com uma placa DVB-s2 e ISDB-t com qualquer placa (pci ou USB), vi no forum aqui, a dificuldade de fazer funcionar pois os desenvolvedores estao na Europa e o nosso sistema nao funciona lá, procurando na web encontrei um transmissor ISDB-t residencial (link acima) ao custo de 220 dólares pelo paypal, creio nao ser caro, poderiamos doar cada um 5, 10, 20 dólares se o team puder fazer funcionar, quanto mais pessoas menor o valor a pagar... o que vocês acham?