Found a work around. I remembered that I installed ajaxplorer without problem, so I just checked their instructions and went from there. [url][/url]
So I was trying to install tvheadend, and this is how I got it to work
I added the key, i had to install curl
sudo apt-get install curl
curl TVHEADENDMIGRATIONSTARTcbcae2a164ae4dab9ec8f4e7e8f41faaTVHEADENDMIGRATIONEND | sudo apt-key add -
then since sudo apt-add-repository wasn't working I manually append /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
I had to go to with my web browser to figure out how to make the lines that I need. I could be wrong but it always seems to be in dists/. With ajaxplorer it was "stable main" but tvheadend was "saucy main" So I added the following 2 lines to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb TVHEADENDMIGRATIONSTART3a5bab9d2e214923b7ad81ec75db072cTVHEADENDMIGRATIONEND saucy main
deb-src TVHEADENDMIGRATIONSTART07a394354b8a4e0f9aa7bc4e2a343610TVHEADENDMIGRATIONEND saucy main
then justsudo apt-get update andsudo apt-get install tvheadend
And everything seems to be working. So I hope this help someone else.