I M wrote:
> DMC, happy to help where I can but I'm no guru with this.
Thanks very much, any information that you can provide will be helpful.
> Also, I don't have any EIT data at the moment as I'm all mheg-5, and I'm not in Auckland! That said I am parsing the mheg data to extract episode detail from the description text which is then included in the resultant XML import into TVH. This appears to be working well and no doubt something similar could be done to extract the rating detail.
> I can zip up a download of the raw stream data, or the XML output as you wish, but I suspect the following sites would be just as helpful:
Actually, both would be great.
> <rating system="Freeview">
> <value>G</value>
> </rating>
Would you be willing to change your system name from "Freeview" to "Freeview-NZ" or even "FVLB"? There are multiple regions that use the "Freeview" name.
> Having had a quick look at other programmes it would appear that if something like "16-VLC" is displayed in the description text, it's not in the 'rating system' data. I'd need to more closely inspect the raw data before determining it that's an issue with the parsing and XML output, or if it's just not there to start with. Of course the EIT data may be quite different for all I know.
The "16-VLC" just means 'restricted to persons 16 years and over' with 'violence may offend', 'language may offend' and 'content may offend'.
The EIT data has a country code, in your case NZL, and then a number representing the age. The receiver then uses the age to display a label. This is why I was keen to see what the now/next looks like.
> WRT to my source, at this time I've not included rating labels (at least not in a way that TVH understands) as it's not really of concern to me, but you're welcome to a copy if you think it might be useful.
Thanks. I do not plan to make any changes, however, I can provide feedback should you wish to incorporate rating labels.