Odd. Rebooting from 3.13.0-32 to 3.5.0-54 and my EPG is filling fast... I've got CBBC HD events appearing, and I'm up to 43,000 events vs the 35,000 or so I had before the reboot (although I've peaked at nearer 80k in the past).
However, looking at my logs, any epg scan since 12th July seems to throw a 'data completion timeout' error - yet I didn't uprgade the kernel until the 16th. I suspect that's unrelated, though, and is more likely to be an artefact of a tvheadedn upgrade (to 3.9.1074~gd9f1f88) I did that day.
So, my thoughts now...
1. Do I need to recompile tvheadend on the later kernel? Clearly something changed in the EPG code, could that be it? Why would it only show when the kernel changes? DVB API?
2. Do I need to upgrade v4l-dvb (I see no reason why...)? Similar thoughts as above...
3. ... anyone got any other ideas?