Alexandre E wrote:
> Could we have more details about modifying the XMLTV.SOCK file ?
> I would like to feed TVHE with Kazer, but don't know if it s possible.
> Regards
That's not how sockets work. You enable the socket interface in Tvheadend, and then you write your XMLTV data to the socket. Think of it as a special file; when you access your XMLTV file, you "save" your file as this special file. (That's overly simplistic, but the gist is the same.)
I have no clue what "Kazer" is, but if you have an XMLTV file, you feed that file to the socket using tools such as netcat, socat or curl. From Tvheadend's documentation on the website:
(Hrm, the docs have been modified since I last checked them. That page used to have a couple links on configuring tools for piping into the socket, but they are no longer there. However, a search of the forum will yield several results of commands you can use to feed the socket.)