So far it is working nicely for me.
For configuration there are two different options:
1. Configure the AVM as IPTV source:
However, this only enables the use of one tuner
2. Configure the AVM as a SATIP server:
The device apparently is not compatible to the full SATIP protocol, but the developers were nice enough to implement a number of workarounds.
My tvheadend is running on Ubuntu 14.04, you need to add the repository for the master builds (find them under downloads on this webpage). Minimum version is: HTS Tvheadend 4.1-543~g75f4f0d.
Following steps are/might be needed:
a) Not sure if this is still necessary:
open command line
Stop running service:
sudo service tvheadend stop
Modify startup options: with discovery option enabled (see
sudo nano /etc/default/tvheadend
at the end of the file change the options (add the correct IP address for the DVB-C repeater):
Start running service:
sudo service tvheadend start
b) Now both tuners should be visible once you login via the web interface. If you choose not to configure an IP alias (explained in c), you need to disable one of the tuners.
Make sure that "fast input switch" is disabled. Set "next tune delay" to something not too low (I have it set to 100) - if sometimes channel switching is not working in kodi on the first try, you need to increase it. I also checked "Force teardown delay".
Now create a network, add it to the tuners (double check that the network is selected for the tuner) and let it scan. It will lead to a lot of services (also encrypted channels are listed - of course you can't receive them), so you will face a lot of sorting work (took me more than an hour to select the channels I needed).
After mapping the channels, you should be fine. EPG will be received OTA.
c) If you want to use both tuners, you need to have a different IP address for each tuner. Fortunately, in Ubuntu you can configure this with a single adapter.
open command line
Find out which adapter you are using and the IP range:
Output for my configuration was:
wlan1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr abcd
inet addr:
+extra stuff
Edit the network configuration to add more IP addresses:
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
At the bottom of the file add 2 more entries:
auto wlan1:1
iface wlan1:1 inet static
auto wlan1:2
iface wlan1:2 inet static
Make sure to replace the "192.168.1."-part with your IP range and select 2 IP addresses which do not conflict with your DHCP. Also change the "wlan1" with your adapter name.
Restart the computer.
Login to tvheadend webinterface and set for each tuner one of the alias-IPs (Tuner bind IP address). In my case it was and Double check if the configuration is saved properly and enable the second tuner. Also set both tuners to the same network. Restart to be sure.
When adding both tuners to TVH make sure not to use the FritzApp anymore for watching TV, as it will then "steal" a tuner from TVH (same goes for watching directly via the rtsp links in VLC for example). Use for example the TVHclient App for android in combination with VLC and kodi HTS to have TVH managing the tuners.